* Registration entitles to be considered a member of the UISPP (except for accompanying people) until the following congress,
to participate in the Congress events and to receive its pre congress general publications.
* Full membership entitles also to receive the congress publications, the final programme and abstracts book, the
excursions guides, one excursion during the congress and entries in some Museums.
* Accompanying people will not receive pre-congress general publications.
* Reduced fee is offered to Congress sessions' organizers, students aged less than 30 years old and participants from
countries with low or lower-middle economies.
List of coutries CLICK HERE

* Note: Registration will only be considered if payment is also made, by sending a cheque in the due amount, or by bank
transfer to our account (by bank transfer and the name of the registered person must be mentioned).
* Account holder: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar-ISPP
* Agency: Tomar
* Client number: 100242648
* Account number: 0813052724930
* Currency: EUR
* NIB: 003508130005272493062
* IBAN: PT50003508130005272493062
* BIC of the bank: CGDIPTPL
* Request for financial support click here to get the application form.
click here to REGISTER NOW
For further information contact:
Secretary of the XVth Congress of the U.I.S.P.P.,
c/. Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek,
Tel. (+351) 249-346363 * Fax. (+351) 249-346366
Email: uispp.xvcongress@ipt.pt

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